

Number of occurrences: 9 Rank: 1,574,997 Frequency class: 24

See also: rape's


  • The Chronicle was unable to verify the specific incidents referenced in Rape's blog post. (www.dukechronicle.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • First period classes will collect the items you bring, or you may bring them by Mrs. Rape's room. (www.mainstreetnews.com, collected on 20/11/2016)
  • And a third of the victims were under 13. Rape's entry in any honest history of Haiti is a long one. (www.wehaitians.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • Rape's not a joke, Mr. Glaser. (www.asurampage.com, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • Men Can Stop Rape's public awareness campaign is organized around the theme line, "My Strength is Not for Hurting," Other campaigns are aimed at men as allies "Being a friend means stopping him before he does something stupid". (www.straightgoods.ca, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • The WISE Clubs and Men Can Stop Rape's groups for boys, called Men of Strength (MOST) Clubs, teach young people to identify and challenge concepts of masculinity that cast boys and men as dominant. (www.newhavenindependent.org, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Brown emailed the following explanation for why GoDuke.com did not publish Rape's piece: "The entry was not appropriate for our platform. (www.dukechronicle.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • STAR's 2016 Masquerade Ball — Standing Together Against Rape's 2016 Masquerade Ball is an evening of cocktails, dinner and auctions, with entertainment, dancing and merriment to follow. (www.adn.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • Rape's not funny." (www.rediff.com, collected on 28/11/2016)