
Primm Valley Golf Club

Number of occurrences: 3 Rank: 3,206,542 Frequency class: 26

Subwords: Club, Golf, Valley, Primm


  • The company also owns and operates Shadow Creek golf course, Primm Valley Golf Club, and Fallen Oak golf course. (thelakeandeswave.com, collected on 01/11/2016)
  • The proposed sale would not include the Primm Valley Golf Club. (www.mediaman.com.au, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • The Embry-Riddle men’s and women’s golf teams will travel to Primm, Nevada, to participate in the “Battle at the Primm” event, which takes places Sunday through Tuesday, March 20 to 22, at the Primm Valley Golf Club. (www.dcourier.com, collected on 18/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Primm (78), Golf (45), Club (36), Valley (34), The (12)

Word graph

Primm Valley Golf ClubPrimmGolfClubValley