

Number of occurrences: 2,805 Rank: 46,589 Frequency class: 16


  • Medley Global Advisors did not respond to requests for comment. (www.theleonardgraphic.com, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • A spokesman for the United Nations mission, Dominic Medley, would not explicitly confirm the four evacuations. (www.rawa.org, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • Caleb Medley was paralyzed and suffered critical head injuries in the shooting. (www.thedepauw.com, collected on 14/11/2016)
  • The family of theater shooting survivor Caleb Medley says today's guilty verdict is a mix of relief and sadness. (www.thedenverchannel.com, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • Medley Hills Farm company is now offering one pound bags of just the charm cereal marshmallows. (www.krdo.com, collected on 12/11/2016)
  • Except that Medley obviously is not interested in treating gay, lesbian and bisexual students as equal to heterosexual students. (www.epgn.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • Edgar Medley would finally be commemorated for his ultimate sacrifice, members immediately seized the day. (www.innisfailprovince.ca, collected on 11/11/2016)
  • The photo was submitted by Sam Medley. (www.sentinelnews.com, collected on 07/11/2016)
  • Willie K has teamed up with Hawaiian Host for its Limited Edition Christmas Medley. (www.midweekkauai.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Friday night featured the finals of the Individual Medley races. (www.lamorindaweekly.com, collected on 12/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Relay (4,251), Individual (3,178), 200 (2,403), Freestyle (1,304), relay (1,103), Bill Medley (1,098), Distance (1,087), Sue Medley (724), 200m (636), Denny (592), Medley Centre (549), Backstroke (544), TODAY (487), Yard (478), 100 (445), 400 (439), Breaststroke (413), team (340), swam (324), USA (317), place (310), 200-yard (305), finished (299), Sports (298), Butterfly (293), Caleb (282), Sprint (280), officiating (270), Girls (266), Free (259), won (258), Righteous (255), breaststroke (251), Faurot Field (247), Medley-USA (247), freestyle (246), Missouri Tigers (237), backstroke (234), Faurot (233), Bobby Hatfield (230), Aaron (228), first place (223), Relays (222), 100m (220), IM (219), Mountjoy (217), in (214), and (200), Rev. (200), 50m (199), Paul Medley (197), Sprint Medley Relay (197), second (194), relays (193), Medley’s (190), placed (184), Sue (184), 400m (182), Hatfield (179), with (178)
Individual (7,267), 200 (5,425), the (3,060), Distance (2,357), Bill (1,982), Denny (1,842), and (1,674), Yard (1,385), Aaron (1,357), Joe (1,274), Jim (1,237), Sue (1,133), Sprint (1,019), to (961), The (956), Caleb (949), in (896), said (893), of (810), at (765), yard (678), Forces (663), Katie (578), Ryan (546), 200m (543), Diane (498), that (449), 200-yard (439), Chilton (427), 400 (418), a (414), 100 (411), Christmas (409), says (406), for (402), Lee (399), with (396), Matt (391), John (384), Mr. (381), Paul (370), Vegetable (369), Mike (367), Mark (326), A (324), Jeff (315), Girls (304), Ashlyn (304), Tommy (295), Raymond (295), but (288), Edgar (283), Ms. (278), Camp (272), Marie (266), Dorinda (265), Bobby (263), Services (249), by (247), The Distance (247)
Relay (9,844), and (8,517), said (5,399), of (3,427), was (2,547), is (2,194), relay (2,113), with (1,497), at (1,397), officiating (1,303), will (1,197), has (1,105), in (1,039), says (993), Centre (953), for (876), from (845), had (819), to (765), on (728), Global (627), during (528), event (473), team (444), also (420), added (346), told (310), final (300), as (297), gave (297), race (296), Relays (291), family (271), are (249), who (242), would (239), Capital (234), kicked (232), that (206), missed (205), by (199), should (186), did (184), came (181), took (181), LLP (176), scored (172), facility (169), knows (169), hopes (169), Festival (167), Single (146), time (146), shouts (139), relays (138), won (133), led (133), served (132), hold (131), wrote (130)

Word graph

example graph