

Number of occurrences: 1,114 Rank: 81,705 Frequency class: 17


  • A private family burial will take place at the Lenora South Cemetery. (bouldercityreview.com, collected on 25/11/2016)
  • Lenora traveled with Robert as a military spouse and worked several jobs. (www.csmonitor.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • The family made their home in Paynesville where Lenora practiced nursing in the area. (www.paynesvillearea.com, collected on 13/11/2016)
  • Rita was preceded in death by her mother, Lenora Evans, and a sister, Gloria Evans. (www.thecountyrecord.net, collected on 23/11/2016)
  • Together, they raised four children, Lenora, James, Charles and John, on their farm. (www.hungryhorsenews.com, collected on 19/11/2016)
  • Lenora talked to Dorsey about selling some of his artwork while they waited for another job opportunity. (www.williamsnews.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • Lenora lived a life full of love and sacrifice. (www.hamptoncountyguardian.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by siblings, Lenora, Grace, Mabel, Lewis, Robert and Clifford. (www.mariettatimes.com, collected on 20/11/2016)
  • Babe and Lenora also enjoyed going cross country in their motor home. (www.federalwaymirror.com, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • Richard is preceded in death by his parents, Bill and Lenora. (www.edp24.co.uk, collected on 11/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Lenora Fulani (881), preceded (636), born (623), Fulani (605), Trenaman (434), death (412), Correspondent (348), her (334), daughter (300), parents (298), died (285), was (264), sisters (242), passed away (210), son (202), Brown (196), husband (188), Kubasch (188), late (187), She (182), sister (182), and (178), Ryan (177), brother (163), married (162), passed (151), wife (148), Lenora Crichlow (143), April (133), brothers (131), in (131), grandchildren (130), by (116), survived (115), Jarvis-Mackey (115), Billings-Harris (114), By (113), 2016 (110), chair (104), Crichlow (100), at (100), Survivors (100), sister-in-law (99), 283-9825 (95), Mrs. (94), County (91), great-grandchildren (88), March (87), Robert (82), Mae (82), Holper (81), Sicker (78), Obituaries (77), Mount Sicker (74), Pat Buchanan (74), Reform Party (73), Miles (73), Gordy (72), Home (71), Sr. (70)

Word graph

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