

Number of occurrences: 4 Rank: 2,587,815 Frequency class: 22


  • They merrily pulled the rath of Lord Jagganath from the temple to Shri Visa Oshwal Wadi, a trip that took over 3 hours through all the main streets of Mombasa City. (www.coastweek.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • Pushed into the sidelines, the chief priest of the Nirmohi Akhara, Mahant Jagganath Das tells Rinku Pegu how the VHP appropriated the temple agenda for their own sectarian ends, bringing ignominy and shame to the Hindu religion. (www.milligazette.com, collected on 20/11/2016)
  • According to Jagganath Das, the recent VHP shila daan was just one more gimmick by the party to fool the people while playing on their sentiments. (www.milligazette.com, collected on 20/11/2016)
  • The Raja had taken help from a team of renowned scholars led by Jagganath Tarka Panchanna and it was at this palace that they spent long hours brainstorming. (www.dailypioneer.com, collected on 11/11/2016)

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