

Number of occurrences: 485 Rank: 132,847 Frequency class: 18


  • So Germano challenged the old way of doing things and was backed by a majority to allow floor nominations. (www.gjsentinel.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • At various stages Ms Germano has been put forward as the voice of young women in the vegetable sector. (www.abc.net.au, collected on 17/11/2016)
  • Its student body is a diverse group of kids, many with serious challenges in their lives, Germano said. (www.redding.com, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • Despite the gloomy weather conditions, Germano is open to walking in the parade again in the future. (www.redherring.com, collected on 06/11/2016)
  • Halloween Express manager Jessica Germano said that like Christmas, most people wait until the last minute to find their Halloween costumes. (www.tsnews.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • Germano said residents who have e-mail accounts should get all town notices, even their tax bills, via e-mail to save on postage. (www.hamdendailynews.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Luckily for Germano, she has another job to go to once the seasonal job comes to an end. (www.tsnews.com, collected on 08/11/2016)
  • The starting job now belongs to the junior dual threat Jonathan Germano who brings mobility and accuracy to the position. (www.jhunewsletter.com, collected on 27/11/2016)
  • At a special Council meeting last night, only the man himself voted in the positive, while Council members Carol Noble and Mike Germano abstained. (www.hamdendailynews.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Vivian believes the time she spent working with Ms. Germano shaped her high school experience and affected many of her decisions throughout school. (www.coloradostatesman.com, collected on 02/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Justin Germano (432), Mike (384), Councilman (372), Lisa Germano (152), DeRosa (145), Jays (130), Germano Celant (127), Celant (119), Dionisi (119), said (113), 8th (111), Wabafiyebazu (111), Justin (105), San Germano (102), Flanagan (100), John Flanagan (94), Jonathan (88), Hopkins (83), Henrici (78), Caggiano (76), Elio Germano (76), Noble (73), Mallari (66), Leng (65), quarterback (63), Jordan (60), 115-107 (59), RHP (58), Arte Povera (56), Jamie (55), Povera (55), Gambardella (55), 219-212 (55), Cary (54), Craitor’s (54), Carol (53), Toker (51), District (51), Munday (50), Franklinton (49), yards (48), Nino (44), Callahan (44), Fitch (43), innings (42), FHS (39), Elio (39), abstained (39), Fabiani (38), John (38), Dube (38), receiver (37), Gretchen (36), Anthony (36), Cahill (35), Arte (35), passing (34), ERA (33), Donaldson (32), senior (32)
Mike (1,810), Justin (572), said (533), and (528), Jonathan (469), Jordan (386), in (337), Jamie (335), the (254), of (247), by (229), Ms (213), Lisa (211), to (201), for (193), at (188), as (187), Kate (175), Councilman (172), Emma (172), Sara (170), San (160), Michael (157), Nino (155), Joe (153), from (141), Caroline (135), Mr. (123), Anthony (112), Guy (105), Marg (88), Elio (81)
said (2,774), and (1,509), was (796), is (374), of (294), had (265), to (249), told (246), also (221), made (213), for (193), investigated (174), voted (153), by (141), has (140), says (131), Wabafiyebazu (129), started (125), asked (125), Cemetery (113), Mallari (93), Fabiani (81), Celant (80)

Word graph

example graph
GermanoJustin GermanoMikeCouncilmanDeRosaJaysGermano CelantCelant8thJustinFlanagan