

Number of occurrences: 562 Rank: 121,836 Frequency class: 15

See also: Gatt
Part of speech: Proper noun

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

WTO (2,548), Tariffs (2,387), Trade (1,593), Agreement (1,560), trade (1,091), General (979), NAFTA (803), rules (605), Uruguay Round (448), World Trade (412), World Trade Organization (398), Uruguay (340), 1994 (268), World (258), negotiations (257), Round (247), Organization (242), agreements (227), the (209), tariffs (193), countries (187), trade in (183), under (179), free trade (159), goods (144), on (143), agreement (136), of (132), 1947 (127), Article (124), MFN (124), and (120), GATS (117), agriculture (116), tariff (115), ratification (115), international (110), predecessor (109), liberalization (102), globalization (92), agricultural (91), IMF (90), trading (87), which (83), barriers (82), US (82), liberalisation (81), 1995 (81), nations (80), multilateral (78), successor (76), binding (73), International Monetary Fund (72), established (69), CAFTA (67), TRIMs (67), EEC (66), Organisation (66), Monetary (65), Macapagal-Arroyo (64)

Word graph

example graph