

Number of occurrences: 1,058 Rank: 84,251 Frequency class: 17
and (4,247), the (1,466), of (1,240), Darling (791), that (658), at (646), My Darling (480), Lake (468), said (463), Benjamin (444), to (403), from (373), woman (360), daughter (355), like (354), with (335), is (293), named (278), when (271), writer (264), Vatican's (252), as (239), by (237), Cafe (212), her (185), feminist (170), 16 (166), wife (166), darling (162), a (155), for (151), was (148), Vatican’s (147), But (137), while (135), November 16 (133), late (128), 92. (122), artist (120), 80 (118), editor (118), convince (112), Masindi (105), Lorraine (103), Daisy (103), granddaughters (99), Svedka (72)

Word graph

example graph