
Charles Owen Rice

Number of occurrences: 3 Rank: 2,997,310 Frequency class: 26

Subwords: Rice, Owen, Charles


  • Charles Owen Rice, was celebrating his 94th Similar scenes were plentiful throughout the hall as the people of St. Bernard in Mount Lebanon honored their senior members with a Thanksgiving dinner. (www.pittsburghcatholic.org, collected on 13/11/2016)
  • Charles Owen Rice, who at 96 is the oldest priest in the diocese, made years ago. (www.southwesttimes.com, collected on 22/11/2016)
  • On WWSW, Father Charles Owen Rice hosted his popular weekly program. (www.progresstimes.net, collected on 22/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Owen (50), Rice (47), Charles (41)

Word graph

Charles Owen RiceOwenRiceCharles