

Number of occurrences: 24 Rank: 830,989 Frequency class: 23

See also: champaigne


  • Both men were taken to an area hospital, and one was later booked into the Douglas County Jail pending a charge of attempted first degree intentional homicide, Champaigne said. (www.superiortelegram.com, collected on 15/11/2016)
  • Captain Champaigne also tells me that whenever the use of force is necessary it will almost always not look pretty to onlookers, but they will continue to use force when necessary. (www.goldstreamgazette.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Greenwood kept pace with the Rams early and used a block by Sydney Champaigne to pull even with Hillcrest. (www.k2tv.com, collected on 04/11/2016)
  • To date, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and Champaigne lauds the community for stepping up to help students in the next stage of their education. (www.northernontariobusiness.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Champaigne, who along with the police department has been charged with enforcing the ban, said she met with a group of realtors, primarily offices that handle rentals. (www.capecodchronicle.com, collected on 10/11/2016)
  • Champaigne said this time of year, when many people make new year’s resolutions to organize and purge their wardrobes, is an ideal opportunity to donate gently used articles of clothing. (www.northernontariobusiness.com, collected on 05/11/2016)
  • Captain Thomas Champaigne said Thursday that the department has determined there was no abduction attempt. (www.wdio.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • I got to go along with a woman who does radio news professionally,” said Hanna Silk Champaigne, a Portland High School student. (ladb.unm.edu, collected on 16/11/2016)
  • Champaigne said the girl had deviated from her normal path on her way home from school. (www.wdio.com, collected on 18/11/2016)
  • But Champaigne emphasized that work clothes aren’t just limited to office attire. (www.northernontariobusiness.com, collected on 05/11/2016)

Words occurring in the Same Sentence

Szewcik (77), said (47), Superior (31), Captain (30), Thomas (30), Sydney (30), students (15), Department (15), Police (15), Monday (13), when (7.7)
Thomas (129), Sydney (90)
said (418)

Word graph

example graph