

Number of occurrences: 77 Rank: 406,734 Frequency class: 21


  • One of the interesting elements of these new events has been the presence of bread loaves carried by demonstrators as symbols of protest, to commemorate the fact that Berkin had left his home on the day he was injured in order to go buy bread. (www.eurasianet.org, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • The program included an intensive study of the Constitution and Bill of Rights led by noted scholar Dr. Carol Berkin and an exploration of George Washington’s perspective on government by Dr. Lorri Glover. (www.harrisonnewsherald.com, collected on 19/11/2016)
  • Following his death, several protests broke out across Turkey, many of them silent ones that paid tribute to Berkin by having a loaf of bread on display. (www.eurasianet.org, collected on 26/11/2016)
  • Berkin was buried today, in a procession that was attended by perhaps tens of thousands and which was soon forcibly broken up by police using gas and water cannons. (www.eurasianet.org, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • Berkin, the author of such books as Civil War Wives and Revolutionary Mothers, doesn’t see Betsy as a victim but, refreshingly, as a complicated and strong woman far ahead of her time. (www.baltimoremagazine.net, collected on 02/11/2016)
  • Police used tear gas in Istanbul to disperse crowds that gathered outside the hospital where Berkin died. (www.morningstaronline.co.uk, collected on 12/11/2016)
  • How much would you value all the tears shed for Berkin since Tuesday? (www.hurriyetdailynews.com, collected on 19/11/2016)
  • Jessica Berkin, a public relations provider for Marriott, did not respond to Sept. 1 emails for comment before press time for The Islander. (www.irishamericannews.com, collected on 19/11/2016)
  • The couple behind the build, Peter Berkin and his wife Chard, were at odds at the end of the project. (www.ckwstv.com, collected on 03/11/2016)
  • For an ordinary mortal like you and me, the only chances of owning an original Berkin is by winning the lottery or a donation from either Lohan or Beckham. (www.time.com, collected on 15/11/2016)
of (315), Carol (243), victim (105), 15-year-old (90)

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