Siehe auch:
Wrong, WRONG
Verb, Nomen, Adverb, Adjektiv
Grundform von:
wrongs, Wrong, wronged
Teil von: in the wrong, go wrong, be wrong, on the wrong, the wrong way, wrong side, wrong time, all wrong, in the wrong place, you are wrong, do wrong, wrong impression, wrong move, wrong foot, wrong number, sense of right and wrong, you can't go wrong, wrong name, be in the wrong, get wrong, wrong step, take a wrong turn, wrong use, great wrong, do wrong to, mehr at just the wrong time, not put a foot wrong, take wrong, in the wrong box, Barking up the wrong tree, wrong conduct, do wrong by, bark up the wrong tree, redress a wrong, rub the wrong way, wrong side out, back the wrong horse, slight wrong, take a wrong turning, on the wrong tack, wrong construction, wrong font, get a wrong impression, get one wrong, give a wrong idea, minor wrong, the wrong side of forty, Not even wrong, The wrong type of snow, in the wrong pew, make a wrong step weniger