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Siehe auch: Weirdo's


  • The world is full of weirdo's, they usually inject resin, plant food, then eat someones face if they're not bothering the wildlife. (www.geelongadvertiser.com.au, gesammelt am 20.11.2016)
  • Man what a sad world we live in when weirdo's are able to utilise youngsters games to suit their own perverted agenda! (www.americanpress.com, gesammelt am 17.11.2016)
  • If what made Napoleon Dynamite work was the idea of the wrath in the weirdo's heart, Sedaris gets at that essence. (www.lakeplacidnews.com, gesammelt am 27.11.2016)
  • You get some right weirdo's these days. (www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk, gesammelt am 12.11.2016)
  • Actually the US isn't questioning it, the liberal weirdo's are. (www.hamhigh.co.uk, gesammelt am 12.11.2016)
  • Dawson: "Dad, some weirdo's talking to me about some movie." (www.rosslandnews.com, gesammelt am 13.11.2016)
  • Since you don't know the child's parents, you don't have any choice but to ask the weirdo's superior to handle the situation and speak directly to the eleven-year-old's parents. (www.jewishexponent.com, gesammelt am 04.11.2016)
  • No i dont watch it i would rather watch paint dry. its for GOOKS and weirdo's. (www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk, gesammelt am 12.11.2016)
  • Why are they "so-called" and "weirdo's"? (www.sheridanmedia.com, gesammelt am 23.11.2016)