

Anzahl: 287 Rang: 182.087 Häufigkeitsklasse: 19


  • As we continued our visit, the geese waddled down a narrow path towards the edge of the water but we never saw them again. (www.darlingtonandstocktontimes.co.uk, gesammelt am 03.11.2016)
  • For sure, you won’t see a reporter grilling the fat young woman and her fat mother who waddled down the aisle at the movie theater last week. (www.texastribune.org, gesammelt am 07.11.2016)
  • She waddled off and the tall man's feet grew roots into the hard floor of the courthouse. (www.jacksonfreepress.com, gesammelt am 19.11.2016)
  • And as the country waddled further and further from the truth of reality, members of the Peace Corps were providing clean water to three schools in Zambia while others were providing vaccines to children in war-torn regions of Africa. (www.tiempo.com, gesammelt am 15.11.2016)
  • The officers had to coax the birds into the building, where after a long walk through campus, they eventually waddled out through the front doors to safety. (www.click2houston.com, gesammelt am 18.11.2016)
  • As I waited, a middle-aged Mexican couple carrying suitcases and two empty red gas cans waddled up the path leading from the river. (www.texasmonthly.com, gesammelt am 07.11.2016)
  • The ducks and geese quickly waddled over to the fence, eager for food even before the man got out of his car with a bag of bread. (www.modbee.com, gesammelt am 12.11.2016)
  • I laughed when the king waddled and the sisters were fighting, and the clock made me laugh, too. (www.iberkshires.com, gesammelt am 03.11.2016)
  • The two swimmers waddled to the starting blocks, looking pumped to swim a race unusual to their profession — the duck paddle. (www.dentonrc.com, gesammelt am 18.11.2016)
  • In the distance, a small flock of ducks waddled along the bank of the frozen pond as if also wondering whether the ice would melt soon. (www.paherald.sk.ca, gesammelt am 06.11.2016)

Wörter gemeinsam im Satz

duck (130), ducks (123), out (114), skunk (101), Corgi (81), penguin (75), I (69), out of (68), over (64), door (58), squatted (58), ducklings (54), into (53), up (52), my (52), fur seal (51), off (50), front (49), the front (48), corgis (48), back (48), the (47), down (47), geese (47), slowly (46), bird (43), penguins (43), Costumed (42), across (41), pup (40), up to (39), her (36), as if (35), legs (35), fur (33), aisle (30), its way (30), towards (29), room (29), away (28), edge (27), butts (27), eventually (27), seal (26), pond (26), fluffy (26), through (26), rescued (26), and (25), car (25), Old Town (24), me (24), street (23), as (22), cage (22), Fremont (21), yard (21), happily (19), ward (19), way (18)
and (1.345), I (1.246), they (466), she (375), we (302), he (265), eventually (253), who (219), had (218), He (214), slowly (208), then (206), have (182), We (173), just (131), ducks (127), She (127), duck (101), butts (93)


example graph