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Siehe auch: Unperson


  • On the strength of one short video clip, Tom Flanagan last year became an unperson to the University of Calgary, where he'd taught honourably for decades. (www.thoroldedition.ca, gesammelt am 15.11.2016)
  • So, is the issue at hand whether to demote Lord Jeff from his rank as unofficial mascot to unperson? (www.aceweekly.com, gesammelt am 17.11.2016)
  • Once you've been shunned by the party you become an unperson immediately, for life. (www.livemint.com, gesammelt am 28.11.2016)
  • As an artistic unperson he is banned even from buying paints. (www.economist.com, gesammelt am 11.11.2016)
  • That person must be hounded until he or she becomes an unperson. (www.gamji.com, gesammelt am 19.11.2016)
  • Imagine Scheherazade herself becoming an unperson if certain clerics get their way. (www.innisfilexaminer.ca, gesammelt am 27.11.2016)
  • Question his policies and you quickly become an unperson. (www.postchronicle.com, gesammelt am 13.11.2016)
  • But in the world of DSG, it seems that newspeak prevails and anyone who objects is an unperson. (www.elliscountypress.com, gesammelt am 10.11.2016)
  • Remember Helena Guergis, the prima donna always seated behind Harper in Question Period, who became an unperson overnight? (www.thetyee.ca, gesammelt am 15.11.2016)
  • David Cameron got the message and resigned this week: next, he’ll be airbrushed out of No. 10’s photographs to complete his transition from Prime Minister to unperson. (www.spectator.co.uk, gesammelt am 24.11.2016)

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