
under the weather

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Teilwörter: the weather, weather, under

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  • She missed practice Saturday because she was feeling under the weather. (www.knopnews2.com, gesammelt am 04.11.2016)
  • If you notice your pet feeling under the weather, don't ignore the symptoms. (www.amny.com, gesammelt am 01.11.2016)
  • Brian, who is feeling under the weather, previously coached at Patterson and Ceres High. (www.cerescourier.com, gesammelt am 26.11.2016)
  • The students got as much done as possible under the weather conditions. (www.herald-journal.com, gesammelt am 26.11.2016)
  • As well, Kyle Langdon was under the weather and Cal Davis played his first game in three weeks. (www.niagaraadvance.ca, gesammelt am 05.11.2016)
  • And they should totally avoid mentioning she looks tired or under the weather. (www.polishmarket.com, gesammelt am 21.11.2016)
  • Despite being severely under the weather, I still went to work. (www.coffscoastadvocate.com.au, gesammelt am 11.11.2016)
  • If they’re feeling under the weather, she’ll send extra tissues and some hot tea up to their room. (www.lawrentian.com, gesammelt am 12.11.2016)
  • Do we wake up mornings feeling a little down, under the weather or little lazy? (www.thewhig.com, gesammelt am 07.11.2016)
  • The snow left the entire city feeling under the weather. (www.campustimes.org, gesammelt am 10.11.2016)

Wörter gemeinsam im Satz

the weather (13.715), weather (10.524), under (8.393), feeling (2.205), the (934), a little (588), little (492), bit (455), a bit (432), feel under the weather (339), Get well soon (262), was (223), when (183), Brockner (170), Feeling (147), Sniffles (131), been (130), sick (125), soup (114), week (111), you’re (96), feel (94), go to town (93), cold (91), reprinting (80), Get (72), a (70), you're (70), you (65), soon (64), Gloria Steinem (62), but (62), Editor’s (60), Sylvia (59), night (59), lately (58), Steinem (57), days (56), Gravina’s (53), get well (53), or (52), he (52), little bit (50), few (49), if (47), slightly (47), a few (46), Cyber (46), child's (45), tips (44), meal (44), cough (42), so (42), WASHINGTON (42), she (41), note (40), symptoms (39), felt (39), Feminist (39), despite (39)
and (2.963), for (966), or (703), with (646), but (575), the (556), this (540), today (403), so (393), as (373), when (353), last (346), lately (340), in (298), is (291), on (288), at (285), that (197), from (191), since (173), recently (166), you (143), these (134), here (132), right (132), following (126), conditions (122)


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