

Anzahl: 1.396.810 Rang: 206 Häufigkeitsklasse: 7

Siehe auch: Under, UNDER, Ünder
Wortart: Adverb, Adposition
Grundform von: Under

Teil von: under way, under the influence, under investigation, under pressure, under control, under construction, come under, under fire, under attack, fall under, under consideration, under arrest, under the auspices of, out from under, put under, under oath, under house arrest, under siege, go under, under wraps, under the impression, under the sun, under the stars, down under, kept under, mehr under par, under the circumstances, under the table, under surveillance, get under way, under cover, under the surface, under the aegis of, under the pretext of, under the hammer, under the weather, under suspicion, under the knife, under a cloud, hide under, under the protection of, under no circumstances, under advisement, under cover of, sit under, under lock and key, shelter under, under penalty of, under your belt, under nine, stand under, under protest, under detention, under secretary, under the wing of, lie under, be under way, buckle under, hot under the collar, Driving under the influence, keep under, under the counter, cut under, go under the knife, under the nose of, under the cloak of, under heaven, labor under, six feet under, work under pressure, under your control, be under the impression, under arms, under your nose, under obligation, under the wire, under the garb of, get under your skin, under examination, under the eyes of, under power, under sail, under your eyes, under security, under tow, under probation, sweep under the rug, knuckle under, under a spell, under compulsion, under the ban, under revision, under canvas, put under arrest, put under surveillance, keep under wraps, under active consideration, under pain of, under the heel, under your breath, snow under, turn under, under coercion, under the heel of, under restraint, statement under oath, Assets under management, under part, keep under control, take cover under, under your care, knuckle under to, under your wing, bear up under, just under the wire, under your command, under your own power, under your hat, South Africa under apartheid, get hot under the collar, under the breath, plow under, pushing under, take under consideration, take under advisement, under steam, have under control, put under oath, under your jurisdiction, born under a lucky star, under any other name, under the wind, Communion under both kinds, feel under the weather, rank under, under privilege, under your thumb, under discipline, brothers under the skin, put under a spell, under the lash, cut the ground from under, go under the name of, put under lock and key, Equal justice under law, march under the banner of, put the skids under, under false colors, under handicap, be under an obligation, nothing under the sun, place under arrest, under the shield of, Six feet under, keep it under your hat, under a strain, under your hand, Chile under Pinochet, Uganda under Idi Amin, keep under lock and key, lie under the surface, sisters under the skin, under full steam, under the rose, be under the sea, born under a bad sign, knock under, under close arrest, Ashton under Hill, Newton under Roseberry, be under the necessity of, bows under, keep under cover, pheasant under glass, take under your wing, under the lee, under weigh, Chile under Allende, Korea under Japanese rule, crossing over and under, gallantry under fire, keep under observation, put under restraint, put under the ban, thrusting under, under security restrictions, Cinema under the Stars, Global assets under management, Up and under, desertion under fire, feel under an obligation, go under false pretenses, keep yourself under control, put six feet under, trample under foot, under damping, under dominant, under easy sail, under one's breath, under press of, under the harrow, under the seal of secrecy, under your orders, under your very nose weniger


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