

Anzahl: 243.900 Rang: 1.561 Häufigkeitsklasse: 9

Siehe auch: Eyes, EYES, ëyes
Wortart: Verb, Nomen
Grundform: eye

Teil von: in the eyes of, all eyes, close your eyes, open your eyes, before your eyes, keep your eyes open, bright eyes, keep your eyes peeled, open the eyes, easy on the eyes, set eyes on, eyes upon, open your eyes to, eyes only, with open eyes, before your very eyes, lay eyes on, under the eyes of, clear eyes, sight for sore eyes, under your eyes, shut your eyes, tearful eyes, with your eyes open, eyes right, mehr snake eyes, have eyes for, see with your own eyes, close your eyes to, rub your eyes, Blue eyes, hard on the eyes, all eyes and ears, with dry eyes, bedroom eyes, only have eyes for, look in your eyes, with downcast eyes, dust in the eyes, clap eyes on, with tearful eyes, eyes left, goo-goo eyes, with watery eyes, strain your eyes, have eyes only for, sand in the eyes, saucer eyes, with tears in your eyes, with both eyes closed, blind the eyes, goggle eyes, not believe your eyes, open the eyes to, cry your eyes, cry your eyes out, sightless eyes, dim eyes, shut your eyes to, knock your eyes out, Googly eyes, baby eyes, brimming eyes, look with your own eyes, make eyes at, be all eyes, blind your eyes, eyes front, up to the eyes, with glistening eyes, Four eyes, Snake eyes, avert the eyes, close the eyes to, make goo-goo eyes at, swimming eyes, with tears in eyes, defective eyes, direct the eyes, eyes bigger than the stomach, look straight in the eyes, with bedroom eyes, with your eyes peeled, cast your eyes down, drop your eyes, make the eyes water, treat for sore eyes, turn the eyes, with brimming eyes, Baby blue eyes, Raccoon eyes, appear to your eyes, banjo eyes, cast envious eyes, overflowing eyes, putting out the eyes, squint eyes weniger


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