
bear grass

Anzahl: 51 Rang: 527.418 Häufigkeitsklasse: 22

Teilwörter: grass, bear


  • For example, basket weavers would burn the ground where they planted hazelnut trees to ensure that the tree grew straight, or places where bear grass grows to ensure healthy growth. (www.tworiverstribune.com, gesammelt am 23.11.2016)
  • In July, further up the trail comes the bear grass, with its golden, sweet scented flower so large it resembles an oversized county fair cotton candy tuft. (www.nvdaily.com, gesammelt am 21.11.2016)
  • Like, the snow will be as deep as the bear grass flowers are high – or something like that. (www.idahocountyfreepress.com, gesammelt am 21.11.2016)
  • Wash your bear grass stems and arrange them in the glass bowl by curling the stems in and around the inside. (www.newsday.com, gesammelt am 28.11.2016)
  • The burned area is now dominated by knee-high bear grass that provides little forage for wildlife. (www.nickelsworth.com, gesammelt am 05.11.2016)
  • Closing my eyes I hear New green bear grass growing thick along the creek drainage. (www.camrosecanadian.com, gesammelt am 02.11.2016)
  • After a couple of switchbacks the forest changes dramatically to one dominated by mountain hemlock and true fir with bear grass and huckleberry making up the understory. (www.faribaultcountyregister.com, gesammelt am 03.11.2016)
  • I had never imaged seeing so much bear grass in flower in any one place. (www.simcoereformer.ca, gesammelt am 28.11.2016)
  • They were in the area commercially picking bear grass. (www.whitesalmonenterprise.com, gesammelt am 17.11.2016)
  • Eventually, the trail flattens out, passing through a forest of tall Douglas firs, the forest floor of which is filled with the white flowers of bear grass in late spring/early summer. (www.marketrasenmail.co.uk, gesammelt am 28.11.2016)

Wörter gemeinsam im Satz

grass (779), bear (746), braiding (89), clump (46), roses (45), lilies (42), lavender (38), bouquet (37), carried (35), weaving (35), pine (31), flowers (29), white (27), flower (26), forest (22), mountain (22), taught (18), trees (17), green (16), traditional (15), such as (15), and (12), large (9,8), such (8,6), making (8,2), with (7,3), high (6,6)
and (268), of (224), braiding (69)
and (393), to (139)


example graph
bear grassgrassbearbraidingclumproseslilieslavenderbouquetcarriedweavingpineflowerswhiteflowerforest