
Real gross domestic product

Anzahl: 41 Rang: 602.288 Häufigkeitsklasse: 22


  • Real gross domestic product grew rapidly in the first quarter of this year, but the anticipated moderation of economic growth seems now to be under way. (www.blackelectorate.com, gesammelt am 02.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product growth this past year slightly topped the average for the previous five and a half years of this recovery, but with a great divide. (www.dallasobserver.com, gesammelt am 26.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product is estimated to rise at about two percent. (www.sloughexpress.co.uk, gesammelt am 14.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product is driven by only two factors: growth in the workforce and growth in productivity. (www.amisun.com, gesammelt am 02.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product rose 0.6 per cent in the first month of the year, boosted by manufacturing, retail trade and the oil and gas sector, Statistics Canada reported Thursday. (www.avtimes.net, gesammelt am 02.11.2016)
  • GDP grows by 5 percent in third quarter Real gross domestic product — the value of the production of goods and services in the United States, adjusted for price changes.. (www.csbj.com, gesammelt am 18.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product increased 2.5 percent during the third quarter, according to the second estimates of the national income and product accounts by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (www.businessexaminer.com, gesammelt am 25.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product increased a bit more than 3 percent, building on the sustained expansion that gained traction in the middle of 2003. (www.maplecreeknews.com, gesammelt am 15.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 1 percent during the second quarter of 2011, according to the second estimates of the national income and product accounts from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (davisonindex.mihomepaper.com, gesammelt am 25.11.2016)
  • Real gross domestic product (GDP) advanced by more than 4 per cent over the second half of the year, accompanied by a visible pick up in job creation. (www.world-spectator.com, gesammelt am 08.11.2016)

Wörter gemeinsam im Satz

gross domestic product (799), gross (662), Real (610), domestic (551), product (534), GDP (331), percent (167), Bureau of Economic Analysis (165), quarter (149), increased (144), national income (125), Analysis (109), growth (99), Bureau (92), according to (92), according (92), Economic (80), estimates (69), national (54), rate (54), accounts (52), income (51), annual (50), U.S. (48), first quarter (47), in (45), second (41), per cent (40), cent (39), per (34), to the second (34), third (29), advance (29), estimate (26), inflation (25), below (25), during (24), by (24), 2014 (23), 2010 (21), first (20), grew (18), an (14), 2011 (14), 2012 (13), of (9,8), year (8,2), to (7,8), the (6,7)
quarter (105)
increased (289)


example graph