

Anzahl: 7.856 Rang: 5.564 Häufigkeitsklasse: 11

Siehe auch: power, POWER
Artikel: die
Wortart: Eigenname, Verb
Grundform: powern

Teil von: Plug Power, The Power, The Power of the Dog, Soft Power, Power Forward, Austrian Power Grid, ITM Power, Rings of Power, Power BI, RWE Power, SH Power, Power Station, Ballard Power Systems, Power Rangers, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, Power of Siberia, Cat Power, Will Power, Edisun Power, Flower Power, Power Management, Power Play, Girl Power, Thermal Design Power, RWE Power AG, mehr Microsoft Power Automate, Power Ranger, King Power, Digital Power, Power Tower, Romina Power, International Power, Anthony Power, Power Point, Power over Ethernet, Tokyo Electric Power, Allgäu Power, Power of Love, Battersea Power Station, People Power, Power Electronics, Power Metal, Weichai Power, Black Power, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Purchase Agreement, Power Supply, The Power of Love, Max Power, Power Pack, Power User, Austrian Power Grid AG, King Power Stadium, Power Up, Samantha Power, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tyrone Power, Bosch Power Tools, MDC Power, Power Nap, Acwa Power, Higher Power, Hoss Power, Power Bar, Tower of Power, White Power, Clean Power Net, Northland Power, People Power Party, Power Mac, Power Posing, Power Wagon, Power Yoga, Power to Gas, Bankside Power Station, Benjamin John Power, Chubu Electric Power, IBM Power, John Power, Power Plush, Power Pop, Verbund Hydro Power, Advanced Power Management, Al Bano & Romina Power, Ben Power, Blues Power, Electric Power Research Institute, Florida Power & Light, Inventus Power, Kansai Electric Power, Kyushu Electric Power, Power Mac G4, Power Saving Mode, Power Station of Art, Power Symposium, Power to Heat, Power to X, Power to the People, Public Power Corporation, Raw Power, Tata Power, VERBUND Hydro Power, Absolute Power, Active Power, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, American Electric Power, American Power, Balance of Power, Bruce Power, China General Nuclear Power Group, China Southern Power Grid, Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH, Dean Power, Hokuriku Electric Power, Hokuriku Electric Power Company, Huaneng Power International, J. D. Power, Lawrence Power, Low Power Wide Area Network, Maximum Power Point, Maximum Power Point Tracking, New Power Generation, New York Power, New York Power Authority, One United Power, Ontario Power Generation, Owen Power, Paddy Power, Paddy Power Betfair, Power Distribution Unit, Power MOSFET, Power Mac G4 Cube, Power Pivot, Power Strike, Power Tool, Power Trip, Power to Liquid, Power up, Purchasing Power Parity, Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG, Siemens Power Generation, Smart Power GmbH, The New Power Generation, The Power and the Glory, The Power of One, Timothy Power, Tohoku Electric Power, Tom Power, Tower Power, United Power weniger

Beschreibung: Die Trennschärfe, Güte, Macht oder Power eines Tests, beschreibt in der Testtheorie –einem Teilgebiet der mathematischen Statistik– die... Wikipedia Icon

Synonym: Zeugungskraft


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