انظر ايضا:
War, WAR, WAr
قسم من أقسام الكلام:
الفعل, يارب
الشكل الأساسي لل:
Wars, wars, War, WAR, warring
جزء من: civil war, war crimes, at war, after the war, go to war, war zone, at war with, world war, cold war, war crime, war of words, before the war, war chest, prisoner of war, war memorial, war criminal, wage war, tug of war, global war, all-out war, declare war, war machine, declaration of war, act of war, price war, المزيد holy war, state of war, war of attrition, make war, not war, air war, religious war, total war, war correspondent, war footing, class war, Civil war, conventional war, war of independence, war game, gang war, rules of war, shooting war, war plans, war cry, open war, undeclared war, war paint, hot war, war economy, war bride, war party, art of war, make war on, revolutionary war, theater of war, preventive war, war dance, limited war, war horse, war clouds, World war, war hawk, war cabinet, war debt, war bond, phony war, war bonnet, people's war, war drum, war lord, war song, general war, war power, atomic war, war of nerves, war dog, war surplus, war risk, war baby, Tug of war, war whoop, war club, Serbian war crimes, war book, Japanese war crimes, war bird, war medal, war of national liberation, war college, grounds for war, Price war, council of war, war guilt, Holy war, Soviet prisoners of war, Total war, war spirit, Soviet war in Afghanistan, war boom, war god, war to end war, war to end war, war vessel, Prisoner of war, war hammer, war head, war scare, Turf war, war office, Class war, Culture war, The war for talent, science of war, engines of war, freedom from war, lightning war, German war crimes, Perpetual war, Proxy war, munitions of war, sloop of war, Trade war, Religious war, Super League war, Water war, contraband of war, paper war, war goddess, war of movement, war of position, ship of war, Economic war, Preventive war, cod war, honors of war, war risk insurance, Explosive remnants of war, Independence war, Penny war, Preemptive war, of the war party, seat of war, the sinews of war, twilight war, war eagle, 2008 South Ossetia war, Canadian war cemeteries, Canadian war memorials, Casualty of war, Council of war, Italian war crimes, Laws of war, plunge the world into war, war bag, war cross, war gas, war gods, war neurosis, war of the elements, war rebel, war rocket, war stamp, 1996 Lebanon war, 2009 Vancouver gang war, Civil war in Afghanistan, Civil war in Iraq, Colonial war, Color war, Declaration of war, Fog of war, Forgotten war, Limited war, Men of war, Midian war, Military operations other than war, People's war, Race war, Tribal war, Undeclared war, brushfire war, carry on war, honours of war, launch a holy war on, levy war on, quasi war, war flame, war hat, war school أقل