

عدد: ١٠ مرتبة: ١٬٤٩٦٬٨٤٢ الطبقة تردد: 24

انظر ايضا: Risker

الأمثلة على ذلك

  • She added, however, that graduate school is far risker for black Americans than it is for whites because the black students end up with more debt and are either less likely to graduate or take longer to earn their credential. (www.pbn.com, زحف على 28.11.2016)
  • Recent comments by the Federal Reserve have investors reducing their expectations of future rate hikes, prompting a further U.S. dollar decline and a rally in risker assets including commodities and high yield bonds. (www.breitbart.com, زحف على 02.11.2016)
  • Geisler provided a litany of data demonstrating that chemical abortion when compared to surgical abortion is risker. (www.todayscatholicnews.org, زحف على 15.11.2016)
  • Operating a motorcycle is also inherently more risker than operating an automobile. (www.hawaiiarmyweekly.com, زحف على 26.11.2016)
  • The uncertainty sparked by Pyongyang's nuclear test sent higher-yielding, risker, currencies lower as dealers sought safety. (www.chinapost.com.tw, زحف على 11.11.2016)
  • Prosper offers investors interest rates from about 7% for highly rated borrowers to over 35% for risker ones. (www.norwoodnews.org, زحف على 05.11.2016)
  • Alongwith that the bank has tried avoiding lending to risker assets like infrastructure in last 3-4 years. (www.metroactive.com, زحف على 04.11.2016)
  • Fannie and Freddie were pressured by the Clinton administration to start buying risker mortgages, and in 1997 the administration authorized the securitization of those instruments. (www.edmontonexaminer.com, زحف على 18.11.2016)
  • For early Sarasotans, life was risky—and health care even risker. (www.pbn.com, زحف على 28.11.2016)
  • “It’s become a lot risker to be a marijuana investor and the market doesn’t like risk. (www.thehour.com, زحف على 23.11.2016)