

عدد: ١٣ مرتبة: ١٬٢٤٤٬٦٧١ الطبقة تردد: 24

انظر ايضا: Cellulars

الأمثلة على ذلك

  • And even the new head of the Fuerza Pública is under investigation now because an Alajuela man claimed he made a three-month series of threatening telephone calls from cellulars issued by the security ministry. (www.baltimoremagazine.net, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • Those cellulars generate mountains of paperwork The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad is also the telephone company, and the recent release of thousands of new cellular lines has been much heralded in the press. (www.albionpleiad.com, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • Individual citizens are promoting Saturday as a day without cellulars in the hopes that a one-day boycott will send the telecom company a message. (www.biz-journal.com, زحف على 02.11.2016)
  • Cellular companies were so upset by the eavesdropping and fraud that they prevailed on the U.S. Congress to forbid the sale of radio frequency scanners that operate in the range used by cellulars. (www.annanews.com, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • The current law is more general than cellulars, according to a statement from the legislative assembly. (www.amcostarica.com, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • The cost goes up with the choice of cellulars, vertical blinds and customization. (www.sanantoniomag.com, زحف على 13.11.2016)
  • The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad also maintains a special line to report stolen cellulars. (english.chinamil.com.cn, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • We discourage people from using cellulars in our dining room. (www.morgancountycitizen.com, زحف على 05.11.2016)
  • Movimiento Libertario says ICE has cracked down on cellulars The Movimiento Libertario says that steps have been taken by the telecommunications monopoly to cut down on the use of cellular telephones by employees. (www.anphoblacht.com, زحف على 01.11.2016)
  • America's national parks must decide: solitude or cellulars? (www.ardrossanherald.com, زحف على 16.11.2016)

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