
Plain language

عدد: ٤ مرتبة: ٢٬٦٥٦٬٠٨٢ الطبقة تردد: 25

Subwords: language, Plain

الأمثلة على ذلك

  • Plain language is always best, but it is being trained out of people until almost every official communiqué from anywhere sounds like it was written with the purpose of obscuring the truth, even if that’s not the case. (www.dailybulldog.com, زحف على 10.11.2016)
  • Plain language in the existing proposal seems to be sufficient to the average person who might be sitting in a jury box. (www.newtimes.co.rw, زحف على 13.11.2016)
  • Plain language is using simple, fifth grade language to make a talking point. (www.bayweekly.com, زحف على 26.11.2016)
  • Plain language is a way of un-complicating the smoke screens of denial. (www.chadrad.com, زحف على 02.11.2016)

شارك في الحوادث

Plain (٧٨), language (٥٢)

رسم بياني

example graph